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HR Trends 2023- A Must-Know For Every Industry

HR Trends 2023- A Must-Know For Every Industry

By Upasana Parimita | Published on 02/16/2023


Leaders in human resources must manage technology investments, cultivate a positive culture, and transform HR to be more automated and digital, all while new employee expectations are affecting retention and attraction. The survey respondents' top priorities, however, are as follows.

            Trend #1 AI for Talent Acquisition and Faster Onboarding

     Artificial intelligence is the present and future HR trend, and its presence will become widespread. Companies will use it to source candidates, parse resumes, and onboard candidates with more ease and accuracy. “Even though 17% of organizations use AI in their HR function, another 30% will use it by 2023.” Said Gartner.

 In 2023, the world will rely on technology more than ever. That trend will only grow this year, and companies will implement advanced AI-based technology and tools.


            Trend #2 Improving Professional Skill Development

 As the HR landscape in 2023 evolves, one of the major trends will be learning and development.   Companies will commit to investing in their employees by providing them with new skills and growth opportunities, potentially leading to promotions and higher positions.

 According to the World Economic Forum. Whenever technology, such as automation, replaces jobs, workers will need to reskill to move into new roles and positions, or else they will become unemployed. We are seeing a decline in the shelf-life of skills every day.

             Trend #3 Employee well-being, the importance & Future Prediction

     Employee wellbeing is an important concept for businesses of all sizes. Companies should strive to create a workplace culture that encourages and supports employees’ wellbeing through meaningful work, manageable workloads, and access to resources and support.


            Trend #4 Digital Workers Say Flexibility Is Key to Their Productivity

 In the modern world, globalization and advanced technologies have drastically changed the way we do things. The increase in online collaboration and telecommuting has made it possible for businesses to spread their reach even further and for employees to work more flexibly.

 According to the Gartner 2021 Digital Worker Experience Survey, 43% of respondents said that flexibility in working hours helped them achieve greater productivity, and 30% of respondents said that less or no time commuting enabled them to be more productive.

 By 2021, remote workers will represent 32% of all employees worldwide, totaling 628 million employees.” Said Gartner.

                  Trend #5 Skill based hiring is becoming increasingly popular

   As the workplace evolves to meet the changing needs of a diverse and skilled workforce, employers have increasingly turned to skill-based hiring. Not only it’s important to focus on the skills necessary to get the job done at the onset of recruiting, it can also help reduce bias in the hiring process.

 LinkedIn research has demonstrated that those who do not possess a four-year college diploma remain in their company of employment 34% more than individuals who have a degree. One of the causes that leads to a greater rate of retention is the candidate's engagement and eagerness to contribute.


                   Trend #6 Employee Engagement

         A culture of respect, care and appreciation is the cornerstone of any successful organization. By creating an environment where every individual feels valued, respected and appreciated, an organization can foster an atmosphere of collaboration and innovation. This encourages people to contribute their ideas and work together in pursuit of the common goal.


     According to Gallup's research, which has been conducted for over 50 years, employees that are involved with their workplace will provide more valuable results for the company than those who are not, regardless of the industry, company size, nationality, or economic climate.

Unfortunately, only 15% of employees around the globe, and 35% in the U.S., are classed as "engaged".


